Kamis, 26 April 2012


1.    Jelaskan general ledger
2.    General ledger posting merupakan hasil dari...
3.    3 tingkatan dalam general ledger
4.    Jelaskan hubungannya dengan cost accounting
5.    The integration of posting data is reflected in..
6.     Gambarkan financial accounting
7.    Jelaskan a shared database
8.    Jelaskan account receivable dan peranannya
9.    Gambarkan account receivable
10. Jelaskan acount payable
11. Jelaskan accounting dokumen dan jenis-jenisnya
12. Berikan contoh accounting document
13. Berikan contoh processing document
14. Jelaskan payment dan hubungannya dengan enter document
15. Jelaskan travel management and expense reimbursemen
16. Jelaskan payment and transfer to payroll accounting
1.    General ledger :
Operations transaction (for example, issue of goods causes material issue posting) if the SAP materials management (MM) system is active and integrated
Posting transaction in subdiary (asset acquisition in fixed assets) if the SAP asset accounting (FI-AA) system is active and integrated
Transaction originally assigned to the general ledger, if the general ledger (FI-GL) system is active
2.    .
3.    -      master data
-          Transaction data
-          Reporting
4.    .
5.    .
6.    Account recevable : the FI accounts receivable component is responsible for monitoring and controlling customer accounts within SAP R/3’s financial accounting component. Account analysis,alarm reports, due date list, and a flexible dunning system all make it easier to keep track of open items.
7.    .
8.    Account payable : SAP R/3’s FI accounts payable component manages accounting data for all vendors. Its also an integral component of the acquisition process.
9.    Accounting documents : accounting documents are the result of a posting in fnancial accounting. There are two types of documents :
Original documents
Processing documents
10. Contoh accounting documents :
Example of original documents :
Bank statements
Example of processing documents :
Accounting documents
Sample documents
Reccuring entry documents
11. Example of processing documents :
Accounting documents
Sample documents
Reccuring entry documents
12. Payments : when you enter documents, the system checks wheter the minimum account assigments have been made, for example, document date, posting date, document type, posting key, account number, and amount.
13. Travel management and expanse reimbursement : trips cost time and money- not only for the person travelling, but for everyone involved in the planning, approving, veryfing, and accounting of trips. Toda, travel management is expected to support all of the bussines processes involved with a bussines trip in one single procedur.
14. Payment and transfer to payroll accounting : payment of expense can be accomplished via financial accounting, payroll aaccounting, or data medium exchange (DME) with credit institutions. Whether travel expanse ar paid payroll accounting in your company or not, the result are transferred to payroll accounting if there are additional amounts for taxation.

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